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What you conscience is identified with

June 10 1984
Russia (Soviet Union)

        We must in fact realise what our conscience is like. Realise on the level of fine materialistic perception, on the level of scientific knowledge, and experimental approach. I speak about material as a real approach. If materialism is supposed to be objective then instead of an abstract "spirituality" (which is taken for an ethic norm as a rule) it must admit the idea of a fine materialistic nature of "spirituality". It must admit that fine materialistic state - is our real life, real our being.

        When I think about God, when I give up to the Highest, love It, pray to It, I am incarnated into That world. It's quite exact energetic motion. It's an exact action in the Universe. I am incarnated into That world with its high vibration and my higher bodies do come to life, and there appear, coming to life, the ability to love. Salvation that was worked up - it's not just words, not an image, it's a true fine materialistic construction of bodies that have principle meaning. If only people could realise that their high state is bodies, a reality, more virtual than their physical or astral bodies, how happy they would be! And how careful! And how their temporary forms would be enriched with sense! And how Death would surrender...

        And now let's see what is going on... Every day and every hour we have possibility to identify ourselves with different zones of life. Here in the mountains, in our ashram, for instance. By meditation you contact the zones of your Soul. But we also have a daily routine. Say washing up. While one part of the group is meditating the other part of our organism "is washing up". And it's not " washing up" that maters. The problem is into which world you are being embodied at the moment, what is it in you, that dominates. Unfortunately, there are women who always underwear "wash up" which means that the sense of heir inner life is constantly of a daily round character.

        Though even in washing up one can find sense. You can wash up thinking of purifying your body that serves for your Soul or with the idea of a festive group meditation in clear clothes. Nothing of the kind we have in case mentioned above. Here we hide the root of a female entity expressing itself not so much in its love for neatness but to he most extend for the right to rule over the world -secretly, adroitly and easily. Their cliche of dominant importance of earthly activities rivals with our mutual idea of Spirit as a root - that's where the sin is. Almost imperceptibly our women from day to day substitute the upper root for the lower one and all the amount of energy turns up down site down.

        Bear in mind that earthly activities must submit in your conscience to the Higher but not vice versa. A child submits to a woman, woman's emotions - to man's mind, a man - to God. Fear the secret rivalry between daily routine and Life!

        But usually it seems to us that undertaking some earthly and "necessary" activities we don't do anything wrong. On completing these important actions we sit down to meditate. Days and nights, weeks and years we are completely busy with these actions and as a result we produce a gradually condensing, capturing oneness with the world of routine. People's routine. The oneness arises easily, naturally and because of this frightening easiness and false reality me don't realise that our conscience is moving towards the zone of temporary forms and consequently disintegrates.

        If you fail to carry out your routine, if your meditation is not that durable to balance your every day life, don't do anything. Only be that for the sake of which you live on - for the sake of continuing conscious which survives as it is up from the highest mental level. If you are not in meditation you must change your every day activities.

        You must embody into Light and the ability to do it is being trained. Our thought, our word, our contacts - all is the way to embody into this or another phenomenon. For instance, if I am too preoccupied with you not meditating I become embodied into you. The channel - what so very it could be - directed to care, love or hatred makes me the one with it, that is - the one with your worlds but not with high energies - and I acquire your world. You represent these worlds on a physical level. Preoccupied with it I become you and your worlds. Plunged into routine I become this routine and of earthly concern.

        I don't say, that you must not carry out your ordinary duties or help people. Sure you must, but... Mind the principle of flowing energies in interaction. It can be illustrated as the following; left hand - up, right hand - down but face always - upward. Down is your right hand of help, but your left hand accepts energy from above. Otherwise where you take power for help? It's a normal posture of a reasonable unit, surviving in the Universe. That is an obligatory principle of flowing energies.

        With all our effort we must identify ourselves with the Highest that we can accept, we must work up the oneness with Him having earthly life as great training. Only then we can become Them, recognising Him at the initiating moments of Choice when we are given the right to envelop into a new (evolutionary) higher body: causal, buddhial, atmic. And in posthumous time (in the act of release or restoration) we recognise Him, we cling to Him, to the brilliant Light of Christ, instead of escaping from our Ego, from our Centre. We are not escaping into the spheres of disintegrating personality matter.

        The point is that after we failed to choose this brilliant Light of the One, we will meet Great Beings of Hierarchy stairs coming from the very top of it. These Great Beings are described closely in a "Tibetan Book of the Dead". They are described in the Bible as angels of the Jacob stairs. First they come the light ones (though less intense than the Light of the One), then there come the darken ones and finely the entities of the lower world. Whom shall we choose? Whom are we able to chose if we never ascended? If all our life we never went up the stairs, never become the vehicle of the light forces and finally, as the Tibetan Book says, could not remember " the right thing at he right moment - what gave us safety on the Earth could turn into he evil infinity of non completed processes for our consciousness. People call it Gehenna, nether world, narrow Tartarus where consciousness is dying, where it's grey shadow ever wanders around in a deep sorrow or, endless labour, in everlasting cold or heat, in hunger...

        Death is a test on our spiritual experience in our physical incarnation. If we get used to accepting the lower as reality then we won't de able to recognise the shining Higher Entities of our Soul when they approach, even if we read books about them. We can recognise and remember in the fine world only what is identified with us in our earthly life through creation, love, meditation.

        It reminds me of training in a gym where I take hold of sport rings, start and jump over an artificial gulf. I start with the help of rings then without - but I must learn how to jump over the gulf. Say, I jump once a day and the rest of the time I am busy with something more important to my mind than jumping over the gulf in a gym. In fact, there is no gulf in my nearest, but husbands, wives, religious, birds, sciences. So training on the sport rungs in a gym seems artificial. I continue my life in the Universe, this time incarnated on the Earth. I continuously generate my community with all the life around the gym, thus preparing for the future community with the mortal. When restaurationig cams, when the highest brilliant Light of the One reveals itself, when the real gulf opens up to jump over, only then I come to realise that the chance to be changed has gone, the chance to return and try again has gone. At a single moment, facing that glamorous Light of the One I must jump. But how can I do this if I never jumped before? How can I jump if all my self all my life are tied to carrier, relatives, interactions with other people and I have nothing in common with Light?

        To make the right choice we don't need to wait for the posthumous time- me won't change anything there. Keeping death in mind, we must always make the right choice and identify with the most high for the present moment. We must make the oneness with Light, meditation the most sacred act for ourselves and never lower meditation by any earthly intrusion.

        Learn how to swim before you are thrown into the waters! Don't it on the bank and be busy with the "bank" problems! Learn how to fly before you are thrown into the gulf. Don't be engaged in minor activities on the edge of the gulf, reading, thinking or dreaming of the flight. Learn how to fly! Life is given to you only to learn gradually how to fly. Remember this!

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