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(talk with a group)

September 11, 1986

        Sasha-Gemini: Please, tell me, what shall I do when I feel the sin of flesh capturing me, and Baphomet inside myself, with his vicious physical attraction to a woman? Do I need to become ascetic?

        L.R.: Sasha, you should consider a woman first as daughter, then - as mother and only after that - as woman...

        Sasha-Gemini: But they offer themselves as woman first. And by this they capture... Buddha called them «sly thieves» yet...

        L.R.: Each time when Sasha fearfully states that poor him was taken up by Baphomet or captured by women I don't want to be his Spiritual Mother.

        Sasha-Gemini: Why?

        L.R.: You, Sasha, in your constant infantile need for my help conceal yourself behind Baphomet as a terrorist behind a child. That is why you come up with your complaints, you seek for pity, you expect «a temptress» to be condemned and you to be sent to a comfortable and proud asceticism but the integrity of the Spirit and couple relations is not vicious physical attraction but the means of meditation and mutual salvation.

        How do you perceive sin? It's not physiology that you blame: It's your partner who was not together with you. Isn't it amazing? Not with you as a soul. He could be with the transforms of his former experience, with his own ideals or with something different to it, but not with you. He didn't move into the "innermost of the man's heart", via the channel of the Higher Sound. The more tactile the form of touch the higher the sound of Divinity! But in your relations with a woman, Sasha, the physical materiality is strongly dominating and your intellect and intuition are just nothing as compared to it. Why? Because the low Gemini, secretly leaned over materiality, feels himself as "I am", as an aggressor. It is your low Gemini that has the first and the last word in you. Under his influence you forget where you descended from and that your aim is to let the Spirit control the form so that all physical contacts, particularly within a couple become the means of deep spiritual penetration into the form for further birth of the Spirit. Otherwise the dense zones will take you up and not any proud asceticism will help you.

        In your reactions you try to blame others, you speak of "sly thieves", etc. But who are you? What type? What kind? I have already asked you to make an experiment on "what is it that excites you?" That is a very interesting experiment. Not to behave as you are expected to, but to see what you really are. Your sacral reaction is quite a reasonable motive to continue life. What kind of life you want to continue, this life you belong to. In this case if you are a spiritual being, then whatever the lower world would suggest to excite you, nothing will work. If you think it over more thoroughly, it may happen that you yourself will appear to be "a sly thief", and that will be your vision and so you can deliberately work at it.

        Sasha-Gemini(interrupting): What must I see?

        L.R.: When a doctor makes diagnosis, the patient doesn't get cross if he wants to recover.

        Sasha-Gemini: I want to recover.

        L.R.: All right. I'll proceed. So you consider a woman first as daughter or sister, then as Mother then as God's Beloved.

        Through the Christ, through God's Beloved your vision of a woman will be new. Then a physical contact (as one of the forms of alignment with a human soul) can become the means of intensifying the vision of the Christ in a partner. And there will not be any split.

        The closer the relations, the more tactile they are, the higher spiritually they must be. The denser the forms of magic the higher is the position of the one who controls.

        In fact, making your contact more intimate you get into the bigger energetic rings. While discovering the mystery of the Spirit in a woman, you learn about the nature of immortality. But if you restrict yourself to asceticism, you will escape into your own ambitions. Eventually everything is incredibly simple: by bearing the Spirituality inside yourself, you build up your alliance with a woman according to energy levels including the physical plan as well - and there is no sin in it.

        Sasha-Gemini: You speak as a representative of the generation born in 40-s. The human material of your generation is far more progressive, but for us it's extremely difficult...

        L.R.: I think my belonging to some definite generation is problematic, what about those born in 50-s...? Yes, "extremely difficult": not any other generation has plunged itself into such lust, as the one you belong to. And because of that our country and even all the Earth could possibly suffer a great tragedy. As Apocrypha cite about Leviathan and Tiamate, male and female: "Either God devours them, or they devour each other".

        I am sure, you can hardly imagine a man of an elder generation crying with gratitude as he feels saved after intimacy, feels "devoured" by God, that He and She beat Death, when they died into each other for the sake of Love. Am I right?

        You don't even know such thing to happen. You can't even imagine that there exists something entirely different from the "sin of body", asceticism or pleasant "exchange".

        Imagine the eyes that approach you and see you as the Soul! You are smiling, you don't believe! Of course not. Even if you once experienced something like that, you were so much preoccupied with your own achievements while uplifting somebody up! You were so magnificent! Your generation has brought the experience of intimacy to such an extent of disgust, that it turns either into a commercial infernal game or into a hate of an ascetic.

        So I repeat: where there is intimacy, there is a mysterious merger with a partner: you see the mystery of his soul! If the mystery reveals itself through the physical contact what is odd about it? You see the mystery only in a woman meditating or speaking, but what if you touch her hand - mystery is gone? Then what is it if not further activity, a manifestation of the mystery of the Soul? Yes, through flesh - the mystery of the Spirit.

        But what causes your sceptical smile, Sasha is a crime. Yes, a crime. It's a crime to regard a female body only as a mechanism for giving a pleasure (as monks do), or as a source of sin. Some people take alcohol or take drugs to stimulate pleasure and suppress their aching soul, and doing so they slow down the vibration activity of a man's aura up to the level of the inert aura of an animal. Others go into monasticism thus making the humanity feed on the astral soup "cooked" by millions of ascets of the old times in their itching lust. The first train themselves for the complete disappearance. They build up the clip alley leading to Death (for themselves and their women) instead of building up antahkarana - a ladder between a mental unit and a manasic permanent atom which will make it possible to acquire Manas, Ego, Soul and to survive into post mortem state. But monks too, with their hot astral fantasies plunge themselves into a vicious split of consciousness and through it become responsible for the wicked karma of people's seduction.

        I ask you once and again to keep under control what exactly inspires you. If you are spiritual yourself then you will desire only a spiritual woman. You will only be excited with the Life of the Spirit because the excitement itself is just the way to continue the Life. But if you are excited with the lower - you are lower yourself and you want to proceed living only the material life.

        Truly, this problem has another mystical aspect and for you, Sasha, it would be better if it doesn't concern you, which I greatly doubt. I will tell you now something that concerns not only Sasha but to some extent all those present.

        Usually when you begin, you all are sincere enough in your search for great Love. You fully realise how high your dream is, you are aware of the benefits that such contact can bring, and your heart loves Love. But immediately there arises your Dweller on the Threshold, your own astral-mental vehicle which in the course of the contact "allows" the soul to be exploited while its Ego petals are growing bigger. But in the end he makes his final efforts so that all dense natures remain noninspired. In doing so the soul and its energies are turned to become a victim of such process. Usually he acts through those, who strongly hold a cliche of a glorious victory in their captive physical contact, and Assur makes the contact itself his final goal, but not a means of expressing Love.

        In his rush for the victory Assur (or the Dweller on the Threshold) has well mastered all the methods; he exposes his own soul and he initiates the soul of a partner.

        Finally he steals all the riches of the Spirit, sets himself comfortably in these innermost generous zones and makes it his personal "victory". He is not interested in a physical pleasure itself but he craves for the discreditation of the Spirit. He is quite sure that the so called physical pleasures are just little nothing. So he seeks to pull down all the riches of a spiritual contact into this little nothing. He eagerly wants the act of victory and is carrying out magic on a cell level so that from this level he can say: "Look! That's very easy! There is nothing special about it!" And in a fraction of a second he will suck into himself all the riches of the world as into a self-sufficient point. A person who allows Assur to settle inside him becomes a cold conqueror, a ready killer.

        So why should it happen at the expense of the spiritual life? That is the question. And the answer is that after a while Assur becomes the possessor of the enormous energetic potential with the only purpose to keep his shallow spatial egoism surviving.

        A loving Soul suffers, wants homogeneity, expands sacrificing itself. But "that one" is only mocking at it. "Look! While you have been suffering, I've done everything. And this is so insignificant. See how cold I am and how easily I have won. It's me who have won, and I am the ultimate winner!" That is the masterly way to kill the Soul. That is how Kaschey acts. This is how he keeps himself on the point of his Spine. It's a subtle material process but accomplished through a tangible physical plan.

        Yes, he goes to the place where people are ready to open up themselves. Just imagine how many zones unfold towards the openness of the Soul! The Spirit opens up: Manas, Buddhi, Atma open up. And he captures Them all. And this he likes most, this he wants first!

        If you, women, submit to him you will find out how quickly he would change. He can persuade you to snatch pleasure and turn you into a trivial, into his own pillow. And finally he will stop at some intermediate variant with elements of a soul, a witch and a trivial together, and quite satisfied with the mixture he will say: "I am leaving. Not very interesting here".

        So I repeat. It goes this way: the partners' souls appeal to each other and at the final stage the devil draws down for himself the energy of high relations - and the fight begins. Who will be the first to take the upper hand... Nowadays such snatching of "pleasures" is thought normal, it is called "passion". People say: "Good woman", "Good man". What passion! What glamour! It's the law of nature! It's life! Well, yes. A man was clever, a man was bright, a man was sensitive, but if you killed him he became nothing but a corpse. The same happens to a couple. A man can be such and such. But if we consider him to be a plain physical object - he is nill. Presently in today's couples the partners demonstrate nil to each other.

        They attract each other in a hasty African-like hunting manner. One already knows that another is a Nil. And the latter is also sure that he or she must make the best use of the situation. Exciting victorious mutual hate - that is the basis on which present couples are built: The "creativity" of independent "individuals" - exactly what Assur of sacral zones is looking for. He needs the people who regard couple relations as "easy going", who have forgotten that the intimate contact is a process going upward and deeper downward simultaneously and that the densest zones must be evened by the highest sense. With this "easy going" attitude at the peak moment everything is snatched down and on the cell level there happens the magic of mutual soul suicide, and the egoistic feeling of a hunter and a winner is all that remains.

        At first sight it looks nonsense: there is nobody for the Dweller on the Threshold to fight with. But he is well aware of what kind of magic he has done. He asserts the fruitless contact as the only possible one though for its realisation high levels of the soul relations were involved. In fact he has stolen all the riches of the soul resources and turned them to serve for his own egoistic self, and the egoistic self is a cell of the devil who, let me repeat once again, seeks not the fact of pleasure but the act of victory over the soul, and is eager to steal all the abundance of energy.

        That is how the soul is killed. The magic of killing the soul, when suddenly there comes the steady assurance of "objective vision": there is no Love, no the Christ, no sense in the Spirit; when there comes the cold calmness of a business-like, prosperous man.

        Let us consider the process of capturing the soul energy. At first contacts become closer and closer till they turn into intimate "marital" relations (and not only intellectual, religious, social - that is not total). Victim - a soul - is allowed to approach closer to a partly "transfigured" "real man" including his physical zones too, and here, I repeat, the couple's Dweller on the Threshold comes forward with his offer of physical intimacy to the soul as if it has always been the only aim. And not with passion, no. Here arises a "proud" disdain: "it's dirty", or "it's unspiritual", or "it's mere physiology", or "something is wrong in it"... Here Assur in his attempt to win is trying to prove to the couple soul its unreality, its illusions.

        Last year when staying in the town of Svetlogorsk I once had a dream. Evidently it was not a dream. It was an act of initiation. I saw myself a mistress of a large house on the Baltic Sea. How did I look? A woman of a European type. Stout. Wearing long dark clothes, business-like in the high meaning of the word. I was watching the TV programme shown from the Court. Suddenly I realised that it was a show of a trial on my case. The incredibly important case. The process of the world, of the Universe. I knew that if the judge raised up the warder, looking like a sceptre, it meant that I would win the case and become the richest woman in the whole world.

        And the moment it happened all the journalists and foreign representatives turned their faces and looked at me from the T.V. screen. The situation became tense. Everybody was looking at me in the room. Suddenly it struck my mind that all of them would now begin to beat me, to rob me, to kill me and the reason was my being the richest woman in the world. The riches brought the feeling of danger and not because I tried to keep all of them safe for myself, but because the world Mafia was chasing after me. The most dangerous monsters and entities were going to catch me.

        At that very moment my daughter returned back to my home. This daughter was my soul. I recognised her. She was followed by a tall man in a white suit. A noble man! She ran up to me and cried happily: "Mother! He is going to marry me!" But I was quite aware about who he was. I knew that he was the most important, the most dangerous but yet a secret Mafiosi. I was horrified but she could not guess anything. She loved him because he was so smart, so strong a man. And beside him she looked white and innocent. I knew that he had come to kill her. I was about to give a cry of despair, warning her that she must stop admiring him, that it was so dangerous, and - he was hiding behind the doors. I cry... With this cry on my lips I awakened...

        Gods and Assurs have always been fighting for the "amrita" - soul. Let's take the Dragon and the Bearing Mother from the Book of Revelation by John. Both were expecting from Her a baby of a male sex. The Mother was expecting a baby in order to raise him up to God, but the Dragon wanted a baby in order to devour him. It is just how the White and the black Hierarchy are expecting Their own: upward you (as a soul) are carried away to God, but downward you are devoured. Monad was expecting a daughter but having received the treasure of the world - the mature group soul, immediately found itself confronting Mafiosi - the devil, eager to steal the soul. When a group of the Initiates is embodied into the existence, the group Dweller on the Threshold is growing stronger as counteractive evil at every other stage of initiation. He can change his transforms according to the seven zones. Revealing himself on throat zones he looks like a producer, a music conductor, on heart zones - like a smooth-tongued good-natured person, on vital zones like a true friend, on zones of sacral he appears dressed in a white suit like a "real man" secretly supported by the approaching final zone, that of Mafiosi and money dealers.

        Yes, we can clearly see now the sacral-kundalini zones of Kaschey's Spine. They are the most dangerous ones for they are the deepest and they utilise, as I have already mentioned, all the experience of the previous zones. Here he shows sincerity, the dream of the Higher, of Marital Hall, of the mutual salvation, of the Great Androgenate, etc., but at the last moment (I was called the "richest" in the end of the process when the victory was already mine) it was he who came up ready to carry away my soul - a girl in order to win on the final basic zones where we have man - woman relationship, finances and all the rest that undeveloped people call "true life".

        Wherever we have the treasures of the soul there we can find the Dweller on the Threshold. The moment the Mercury-sceptre (in my dream) is raised and the group Monad becomes "the richest", all the space shakes with thunder; He is coming! So smart, that a girl- the group Soul is eager to marry him immediately. You can't even imagine how smart he is: his number 666 is quite deliberate (all three worlds - but not yet reach up to the seven, each is not yet completed). The point is turned upside down. You remember in the fairy tale how Kaschey's Spine must be broken not half or one fourth of it but precisely its point, e.g., the "six" turned into the "seven" thus must be broken an iron "victorious" man's own self that swallowed up all the treasures of the soul. It's not a pride, it's even worse. It cannot be called by any other word but by the hushing sound "Ka-sch-ch-ey".

        Why does a man like physical satisfaction so much? I assure you not because of physical satisfaction itself. And not with a primitive woman that he likes it. He ignores primitive women. Also he ignores witches. But where the "richest woman" is mentioned - there he goes to. If he is recognised and therefore not accepted, he pretends that he is a son. No, he does not pretend, he confines himself to the soul - a son hiding Kaschey's Spine for a while, being quite sure that as a son he will acquire the Light through homogeneity and finally he will draw it onto his spine. As a son he approaches very sincerely - he attends so receptively, and he responds readily. His soul is coming up to you so willingly! But at the moment of intimacy everything is changed so sudden, everything is lost. And it is not just a mere loss. It's the magic of stealing the soul through this physical contact. And you just watch in horror how the soul is being devoured up by the crocodile of the flesh. At the last moment it turned out that the one who was sincerely progressing as a son perished within his own self, within the lower root of his "I am".

        That is the method how the black hierarchy work - they just allow to come closer. What a mastery game! In order to entice they allow the Light to penetrate. Enticing they surrender, then capture and finally eat up. The devil uses here the need of the Light to penetrate into the material in order to save it, the need of the Light to work in the densest zones in order to intensify itself. This is Mafia that knows all the laws and methods and can catch you up the very last moment if you are not enough impregnated by hate to recognise its behaviour. The only thing that helps you to escape from such a hunter is the sacrament with God. And now we must remember the role that Spiritual Woman plays on Earth, the One Who is able to keep the sacrament. That is why the devil blackens such woman as a rule. Her spiritual level reaction must show her strongest hate for the condensed selfishness the moment it appears within herself or anybody else. Even if she recognizes it in her own son. There should be immediately - break off! Not any dependence! It is so dangerous that she cannot even speak to him! Immediately remove, break off!

        Since every woman is bearing her inner man within herself, it's not very rare, in fact, that he gains that devilish victory within a woman-making her a sort of a lower Khali. Women behave very much alike: they allow the big amount of energy to approach, the devil rises up and gives a blow to a man within her (if a male principle is more developed in her than in her partner).

        Quite often she enjoys the fight so much that she will study occultism, spiritual knowledge, she will do her best but only for the sake of the last moment when she could become Dugur. This is the principle of the last moments. This is the method of giving blows at a short distance. This is their general law: male's indifferent "I am" is the fundamental basis for both - for him and for her.

        At first such basis could seem necessary for her life and she will allow him to be that cold and generous Master at the "final" moments.

        But after all the woman becomes perverted too. Why does she need to labour hard to get the skills for the innermost recognition? Why does she need to use all her efforts each time as the only thing that he desires is a physical act two or three times a week with its comfortable simplicity for both? But eventually she begins to hate him, to expose for herself his secret image of the cold-blood tsar, skilfully flattering him and finally she gets hold of him. And here they are -two -true assistants of the devil.

        It's very likely that if the Christ, nowadays being externalized, enters a reverential Man, then a man - "full of pride" - represents Baphomet as he is. Don't be full of pride, Sasha. Neither in asceticism nor in couple relationship based on fight.

        If your "love" is only the means of stealing energy for making sex - then you are a the Christ killer and you are in store for impotence on Earth and for hell in post mortem state, because very soon you will be deprived of the energy that we get from the intangible high worlds for our earthly life, because these worlds will become closed for you. Look! everything around is longing for sex, for loose contacts - and what's the result? The younger generations are absolutely frigid. Early impotence is becoming the norm of today's life. And it's because the sources of the Light are rejected and the physical plane is being exhausted without receiving the energy from the soul levels, from mental and even astral levels. Kaschey cuts off the ties with them striving to take up all the energy onto the point of his Spine and by doing so he loses everything.

        All your pair physical contacts should serve for nothing else but for the deeper spiritual mutual interpenetrating. For nothing else. Otherwise you will be killed by the very simple. If you approach somebody what will you approach him with? Only to pretend that you greet him heartily and in the end when he shows his trust for you to betray him?! Or you will be betrayed, that is how it looks isn't it? And there will begin mocking, desecrating - all that the devilish zones do: "Here you come so open, let me see how rich you are". And what if it is the Christ who came to save him?!

        You must swear not to do so. The closer the relations the higher they are. The deeper the magic the higher it is. Otherwise you are a killer.

        You must take an oath on blood. Now I understand why people took an oath on blood. The most important oaths need the most physiological matter. The lower - the higher. Or you will perish... The law is strict and it should be followed!

        Sasha-Gemini: What shall we do if the human soul is premature and it falls - as quoted - "into his strong claws"?

        L.R.: A human being is a human being! It is the fourth level of consciousness, the fourth floor of the evolution on Earth. In fact a human being is a Buddhi plane though he doesn't manifest it on all the subplanes. But it still remains Buddhi even if it's a physical subplane. A human being's child cannot be a animal soul only because he is small. He is already a human soul. And if the will of a man's personality is stronger than the will of his human soul - that's the choice of his, as he has already got his species identification - the human soul - and he could consider only this, his Buddhic sound, granted to him in this evolution. More over, the intensification of this sound goes together with the strengthening of the Dweller on the Threshold, who opens up for a man the densest materials very difficult to access, that's why it is so important for you to decisively consider your species not as a goal to achieve in future but as a present reality. It should be borne in mind that Buddhic body is not a goal but a reality for a man and whatever weak this body might be - it's you, it's your species! Your Home! Your original root!

        Lubov: I've got an impression that everything you are speaking about now I've seen in men since my childhood. Even then did I feel their diabolism and lust for victory. And neither could I understand: whom must they beat? Their own immortality? Their own soul? Why do they do it?

        L.R.: Though striving for Buddhi Life is of primary importance, it still takes much pains, time and sacrifice. The will for self-destruction through the hasty pleasure of "throwing out" semen, deed, creative gesture - brings about the quick result. The nature of a personal will "I am", of Kaschey's Spine is such, that a man is getting big strength immediately but for a short time. He feels the coming strength, sometimes very mighty strength on the peak of his ambition - "I am the best". He is given the strong proof of it, and he feels it though he hardly realizes, that along with the moment he is drinking off all the inheritance of "Father", that is - his immortal soul is aimed at saving "capitals". He loses everything in the end... Then he seeks for the energy from those, who flatter him, or he gets imprisoned within his proud loneliness, being impregnated by his hate of God (as the Universal Spherical Consciousness). He becomes the burning point of the lower part of the sphere in order to brightly flash a couple of times in the "delight of his own self strength" - and explode into nothingness...

        You know Nickolai-Aires that he experiences his highest state for 99,9 percent. But 0,1 percent he leaves in the zone of the spine, with the awareness of his own Self (spine wants so little!) Surely, it's a big risk as well as an immense pleasure. Think of yourself, Nickolai! How much this 0,1 percent worths if such larva has settled in you and you rushes as usual "to rescue" poor women, "lifting them up!"

        I care not now for those whom you will pull off downward - it's their own choice to allow to be pulled off, those who cannot recognise you and therefore let you come closer in your pride of a "saviour".

        Unfortunately this ultimate focal point looks so resolute, so obvious, it is so much of "I am", so meaningful that it seems incredibly strong.

        Many a woman feels affection to such man. But do you really know who he is? Many have no other attitude to a man but only this one in their kundalini. Many adore this "point of spine". It's firmly anchored on Earth. Flatter him, praise him - and he is yours, as he is craving not only for your soul but for your praise too. All you have to do is to be subdued to his initial "I am", which impregnates him with strength (but only in the beginning), so reliable, so safe in that tangible world and then allow him to appear that cold, great, unsatisfied and tired of the battles for the earthly self assertion - and here is the result! You will even be delighted with him, you will fear him -and where there is fear, there is quiver; and - where there is quiver, there is love... but for whom - love? Isn't he cheating you? Will he be able to raise you up to the Christ?

        One cannot get rid of impression that all the best and most progressive in man-woman relations is selling itself off to this point of a suicidal cold kingdom. It seems at the place where the two have met there appears a motive for search, for prayer and for mutual salvation through the innermost tension in acquiring the Spirit. But no! What do we need to labour for when the "original" is establishing itself so easily? "where am I going?" - asked you, Lubov, yesterday Sasha-Gemini after the classes. "Where?" - you seemed not to understand. "With me", he answered, and off you went with him. You together, you go not "where", you go "with him". It flatters him and kills him and at the same time it brings you a dubious comfort and kills you too.

        One now has a feeling that the Christ is being born into people. And so is "this one". He has already appeared in ether. For him it's much more easier to enter the denser world.

        Lubov: What's the way out?

        L.R.: The only way out is to see the difference between the True Man and a "real man", between Life and death, between the true Guard of the immortal souls of your dearest, and "that one" who is temporary doing them a favour but who is going to kill their souls together with his own, or, which is more disgusting, to continue the illusive existence of "I am" (dreadful and hellish in post mortem state) at the expense of taking the souls of the so called "our dearest" out of the evolution. Yes, our existence (if the soul is taken up) continue in the bodies of the Great Beings, and lives there by those everlasting parts of our soul which never perished but have been developed through the physical incarnations and which are identical to the bodies of the Great Beings. But if our existence is continued in the suspicious greatness of Assurs that formally supply us with the incarnation - where shall we find ourselves then? We shall disappear if we not identify ourselves with their wicked and proud "I am", and it is such a horrible state of consciousness that even the Masters of Shambala in their letters to people cannot describe it adequately.

        Sasha-Gemini: How can I transmit the sacral energy, the energy of the sacred centre, upward, that is, how can I spiritualize it?

        L.R.: Every day you must get an impression of the sacred object, actual sacred object that will save you. It quite could be the image of the Beloved, of the Higher, for instance the Master. You should have the impression of the sacred quality of the latest time. And at the moment you realise you are being robbed and you feel pain you immediately refresh this actual saving impression and give yourself up to this image.

        Why does a loving person never give out a dirty impulse? Because within him there lives an image of his beloved and by this he has worked up the homogeneity with the Spirit. And hence - the Monadic oneness as the peak of their interplay.

        Now you've come to understand that death and immortality are caused by the character of a released sacral energy. Because if a person is persistently trying to spiritualize this energy, then step by step he intensifies the oneness with the Spirit, step by step he approaches the immortality.

        At first sight there is nothing special in it - to have a quickly working actual impression. Quickly working - that is important. So that having perceived the impulse of the sacral energy you should immediately transfer it to the higher image of the Beloved. So never interrupt the higher touch. Let's say the previous impression has been forgotten, but there emerges the new one and it should be subjectively intimate. You can never stop living like this. And you will learn how happy you are! More over, you will see how we were planned to ever last...

        Sasha-Gemini: How is it?

        L.R.: Our death is closely connected with the problem of the sacral centre. We have to die because we are making a mistake. We have to disappear out of the evolution because we disobey the laws of existence.

        In fact, we were planned immortal. The subtle body of Buddhi - it's a reality. But whether we identify ourselves with it or not - that's the matter of our labour and choice.

        Potentially we are omniscient, omnipresent, comprehensive.

        This feeling of comprehension is our normal state, since we are a constituent cell of the Universal Consciousness.

        But we are making a mistake when we single out from the universal nature the sacral centre as mysterious. In this case we draw the total amount of omniscience, the Integrity of God into one point. When the integrity loses its multispatial character we suffer from tightness, burning pain and tension. We've gone so far in our delusion that we consider it normal, even necessary for the physical forms to be born as such.

        What is going on? I am pouring out my eternal force, thus pushing myself out through kundalini into death. Making the burning pain my choice I have to last myself via sacral into kundalini as a mortal being. It means not that we are unable to give birth to a new generation. We are quite able to do it as an act of the highest meditation and by doing so to initiate our eternal body.

        When our contact is the interplay of two Monads (or two souls), then the intimacy comes out to be one of the forms of meditation. Then the snow white force, saturating the space around, mighty and eternal, rises up all in blossom, spreading out its wings, folding them above like seraph's, thus creating a great ring of eternal, permanent and peaceful move.

        When we loved we had a feeling of our presence everywhere and in everything. We experienced this all-embracing, all-penetrating feeling. That's what we call our birth into the Monad's body. That's what we call the norm of the evolution. We never dropped into the form, into the intimacy - it was granted to us as one of the ways of building up the Higher body. It is the feeling of reverence, the recognition of the partner as Soul or Monad, the delight at seeing how wonderful your partner is, that makes your burning point to dissolve itself into the great-sized truth, and that's when people would say to each other: "I love you! You will never die!" Twinned in all their centres and over all spaces as bodies, as Souls, as Monads they prove to each other the reality of the Eternal. That is why we so desperately need the aristocraticism of the Spirit for our survival. We survive into Immortality supporting each other. We feel It as the intensive huge snow-white wing.

        And what is a burning couple doing? Even if they have hearty feelings they waste the energy for their carnal desires and they induce each other to do so. This is mutual assassination! This is offering each other the poisonous wine! That's not the great communion with the Spirit. That's the killing poison!

        When we love as souls we offer each other a great variety of interrelations. During the day the loving souls could be: farther and daughter, mother and son, lover and lover, husband and wife, two children, two colleagues, two friends. Why do we speak about chastity? Such couples are complete and multiform, but they have something in common - that is their delight in each other's Soul with Its intensive and versatile life. In this case the physical intimacy would lead to a greater integrity, and therefore it would inspire and give the maximum of the reverence together with the manifesting might. Such is the dramatic difference between the lively innermost greatness of a spiritual couple and the burning, spasmodic mutual assassination of a lower couple.

        We must be able to distinguish it energetically. We must be able to consider it thoroughly. In order to see clearly and stop dying and not to present each other with death.

        Of a particular importance is the correct behaviour of those who are under the sign of Taurus and Scorpio. Here Vulcan-Taurus is turning his painful carnal desires into stone, into death, into the maximum of crystalization. Here Multciber, Vurdalac are guarding death. It's the burning pain of pleasure that initiates death. Time has come for the contemplation of the legend about the original sin to be renewed. All the volume of Eternity was drawn into one point. Instead of wingspan and width there was madness of a shallow pleasure. The great amount of energy was flowing unchanged while the space was narrowed. The pleasure was strong but not spatial. It was perpetual and never satisfying. It threatened with the hell of a continuos process. It threatened with the burning hot sea that swallows up consciousness in post mortem state. And it has been threatening with death itself, because the next step that follows the burning pain is turning into stone. Here Hephaestus is forging the chains and death. Hephaestus, Vulcan, Taurus, Bull. 666 not raised up is Death!

        We know that Adam and Eve sinned while living in Paradise and they were expelled from there. We know that Eve offered Adam an apple to eat from the tree of Knowledge. It's for a long time that we instinctively feel physical contacts to be quite dangerous. We can feel why a developed person is unable to experience "normal" for an average person physiological activities and excitement, if he doesn't die into his partner - into his Soul. Die not like a slave, not swallowed by his partner, but die into his Spirit, thus becoming one Life. Even in the cultural tradition the notion "Love to death" is being considered not as love in the course of long years, but something that exists between the two as the spiritual Reality, which they demonstrate to each other every now and then.

        But a "mere" physical touch, though a natural function, is magically horrible and dangerous for the soul because it is quite opposite to the process of entering Marital Hall. It means that the amounts of energy of the highest plane take the most intensive meditation, and the chakras are opened up for the safer acceptance of energy.

        If a person is developing brutal instincts within himself in order to obediently follow traditions or morals of the society or to follow his own selfishness, pretending that it is necessary for the "normal life", it comes out that he is cultivating within himself the dark entity which has been growing so powerful and accumulating so much energy, that it acquires enough potency to demolish not only the soul of the person, but also the souls of other people: he brings himself into a contact with the entity of such depth and power, that it can be balanced only by the height of Marital Hall. It must have been something God asked Job about: "Can you pull in the Leviathan with a fishhook?"

        When the sexual interaction goes on in line with the broken "eight" people bring death to each other and as the Christ says: "They kill each other at the moment of death". They are doing so because they have no such great force in them that would restrain the might of death and the bestial might of sex.

        We have to admit that it's possible to plunge into the energy of physical intimacy but with great precaution. You must not feel physical desire without giving yourself up to the Spirit of your partner. If only people knew what big price they pay for cheap small pleasures! The price of the really eternal life, the price of the everlasting consciousness.

        Sasha-Gemini: If we keep all this in mind what would you say about our group?

        L.R.: The group of those born in the fifties has been composed as a perfect working organism. The aptitude for the comprehensively meditative work, the ability to distinguish vertical energies from horizontal ones, to recognise the energetic levels (from ego up to Monadic) - all this is wonderful. You need not to believe in something as those who were born in the thirties or forties. You have the potency to study the "objects" of inner planes not from the outside but identifying with them. You find it not difficult "to see" and "to hear" in the subtle planes incomparably more clearly than the occultists of the former generations do.

        Your interrelation with the Hierarchy of Souls via channel is set up much easier and it causes not( at least never caused before) deep personal reaction as we find in the rough undeveloped generations.

        You have a very particular sense of not collective, not individual but the group unity in the mysterial Being. And besides that, you are more apt to consider the Mystery as the Life of the Organism but not of the organisation and you do not "hang" name as the former generation of the forties did, claiming that I should get a permission from the authorities to establish an institute or at least a department in some institute, "otherwise people will disperse", and the Hierarchy of Light could not be proved as really existing - to Its "main valuer" - to the present authorities.

        It's together with you that I could begin working on the phenomenon of parallel visions. If we take into consideration the fact that everybody here has got higher education, and some of you have candidate's degrees - you add to "seeing" and "hearing" practical skills of the profound knowledge of the spiritual, occult books and you are quite good at finding and uncoding the necessary clue to this "seeing" and "hearing" which makes all the work more scientifically objective.

        You all were born in the first half of the fifties. You have Uranus in zodiac of Cancer, Neptune - in Libra and Pluto in Leo. Neptune in Libra makes your meditation light and beautiful. Pluto in Leo gives you the sense of recognition of Hierarchy Entities, supplies you both with courage to penetrate into the dense materials and with force (you and your Soul being one) to master these materials. Uranus in Cancer not only explodes your old families and homes but refines and renews your spiritual achievements on different planes. And more over, it (Uranus) gives you the opportunity to get deep perception of how greatly the life of a spiritual organism differs from the parapsychological organisation with its lower ethers and lower astral, so dangerous for the spiritual bodies. But of a paramount importance for you is your destiny to spiritualize the sacral and throat energies (e.g., couple and creative activities). These two years of the Ashram organism's Life have witnessed that the Hierarchy and the Master approved your membership, that you are being directed in Mystery and rendered all possible help in the outer life (mainly in man - woman relations and in creativity).

        The sacral plane proves to be the centre of the continuity of Life on any zone (from physical zone to that of Adi). There is, for instance, the semen of the astral plane. Because of the extreme accent on the astral - sacral zones in Moscow presently there spring up a lot of sacral "succuba" and "incuba". They have saturated the astral plane of the Earth, countries, towns. Unfortunately, this is what people call a "mystery". The lower mental plane survives through thought, creation. It is said that the energies of sacral should "be drawn up into throat"; it means that there must work the semen, which continues life on the higher mental plane.

        So, on each level, that of Manas, Buddhi and Atma there exists a sacral centre - the centre of the processing of Lives on these great zones. But we should bear in mind that in such case this plane "gets empty" by the order of our higher centres (head, heart and throat).

        During these two years you have been studying how to recognise energies, how to detect the types of organisms that you can give "birth" to, what kind of lives you give the right to survive, and what kind of evil and good is born as a result of the impulse of your sacral-kind impulse. As the Apocrypha say: "Ass loves ass, angel loves angel and God loves God". The notion "bestiality" has a wider meaning than we suppose it to have. It means a fall into the lower nature through a sacral impulse: an angel kind (and even a man) cannot want the life of an ass kind to be continued. Otherwise it will be the kind incest. It is even worse than the blood incest. Many of you have been incarnated into the body of the present generation in order to correct your karma: the sin of the kind incest...

        Sasha-Gemini: You want to say that with our fall we distort our sacral nature turning it into a weapon that kills the Soul and the Spirit?

        L.R.: I am sorry to say, but it's true...

        You surely remember the quotation from "Gospel of Magdalene": "Eve wanted to possess Adam, but he loved the Heavenly Brothers". This is just the case when he, who loved the Heavens, was stealing for her sake. And bringing to her what he received from the Heavenly Brothers. And here lies the secret plot of the devil, of Antichrist.

        No doubt, for the physical forms to survive we need energy, but not to the extent of allowing a form, - and that is, death - to reign. If you do not cultivate your Soul, you do not survive - that is the most important. At the expense of any loss of the Soul a personality gains weight, goes into witching, it can probably continue into a witch post mortem state - the subjective post mortem state. Here a male soul is lost, contributing itself into paintings, books and children.

        As a result there takes place mutual treachery in the form of fornication, of infidelity. It can also result in secret hate of each other, which actuates lust after all. You must have noticed how some people act, proving that where there is no hate, there is no sex. They usually attract each other on the counteractive, perpetual basis. They follow not the triple principle. They follow the perversive infinity of the broken eighth: from hot - to cold, from cold - to hot: "I hated you yesterday, I lust you today". As a result there appears our tolerance for the so called personal weak points and our disbelief in the high manifestation. They think the Higher as ascetic. This is their escape from "being". This is their stupidity, their idealism, this is how they try to limit their beliefs to some orthodox nationalistic religion and go on rotating within its forms for their own complacency.

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