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Cosmos and we

May 20, 1984

        We have been speaking a lot about Sirius lately. The Earth is related to Sirius in some, definite way. Sirius the place where Great White Brotherhood live. The fifth level initiate on the Earth appears to be only examine on Sirius. But the higher is the Entity of Cosmos, the more close and intimately-spiritual It is for every person. Sirius always pulsates surprisingly familiar, emanating crystal light, very much resembling the Light of Master Illarion, but even more high, more distant, more deep in our heart.

        If you ask quite ignorant people: "How do you recognise Sirius?" - they will answer: "Blue, crystal, pure, refined, wonderful, melodic, influencing me."

        And it is not just so, that Dostoyevsky in his "Dream of funny man" sent the hero, who dreamt of shooting himself - to Sirius, where there lived outstanding wonderful people, with an extraordinary ability to love.

        Such a strange story... It is roughly esoterically and we cannot but see the great heart and great suffering of the author, who so much loved Sixtinische Madonna, who so much loved the sound of Mother of God, that he could recognise Sirius by his intuition.

        We don't know on these great days what is far and what is close to us. Could we ever imagine that Kali Herself would touch us? Could me ever imagine that we would face Angels Hierarchy of Light, as Jacob from old Testament faced It? Have we ever known that besides belief and occult knowledge there exist Life of the Highest World that we can contact through energetic identity with it. We don't know what will happen tomorrow. We know only that one has to listen to the voice of his Intuition and give up to the Highest Sound. And only then the music of different planets and stars can be revealed to everybody depending on his spiritual level. When the first initiation is acquired, for example, an initiate is washed up by the energy of Mars and Pluto. The second level initiate begins to feel wonderful and fine energies of Neptune. Unbelievable extraordinary Love penetrates him, introducing the planetary energy of Neptune.

        That is magnificent! All this is almost physical, intangible, concrete. Unbelievable, that our destiny - from minute details to the greatest events depends on these energies, these programs.

        All this is wonderful and magnificent! Such a beautiful, perfect system is revealing to us. And not just mentally. Every fragment of mind feels the planetary energy as a touch that we can recognise.

        Time ago we thought: "I did it yesterday - but now it's better to say: "Neptune did it yesterday through me" Who I am? I don't exist. I am a physical gesture, I am - a hand. The energy current came and made this or another gesture by me. If my vehicle was dirty - the gesture was negative. If my vehicle was open, reverential then the energy current made a gesture of Truth by me.

        When speaking about myself as a vehicle, my contribution into the dance of Cosmos is to make my vehicle empty, peaceful, the hand must be obedient. All that is required is to make the hand obedient and attending. The hand doesn't have its own programme. It is Cosmos that has a programme. If one thinks he has something of his own, he just distorts the current , he distorts the Plan and he will be hit he even can be destroyed as a vehicle.

        You may say that I humiliate you by this approach. No, on the contrary, I am trying to show you your Cosmic perspective generally. And not mystical but real. If as a personality vehicle, you are humble, you will soon realise that you begin to react to the higher planets energies which often destroy your old temporary programmes. But you should understand that your interest is to be identified with these energies as they are connected with the life of your Soul.

        Anyway, the scientific - experimental approach at the end of XX century takes knowledge about ourselves and about our possibilities on the endless energy stairway of our Cosmic career.

        We are the truly sum of planetary programmes, the sum of planetary interactions, we are the fixed spot of Cosmos at the moment of our birth. As if Cosmos is fixed in us. As if the Solar System gave its photo to the Earth. According to karma our Soul was waiting for the exact position of the planets of our Solar System when it could incarnate.

        While our life is going on, the pattern of the Solar System has been changing even since, and we (as a photo of the moment) have been interacting with the Great Solar and Planetary programmes. The point of birth, fixed as a piece of crystal, "scratches" on great continuous motions. I begin to understand that there don't exist some fixed points in the Solar Logos, and if I want to live forever, I how to be effaced like a solid temporary fixed piece of crystal. And then standing under one or another Cosmic programme, I begin "effacing" myself hurry to change while I am living. I "efface" more and more and finally I come to be empty, hollow, I disappear.

        And immediately there appear a wonderful feeling that I am - of a new nature, that I am the part of the Planetary and later the Solar Logoses, dancing their everyday programmes. I begin to manifest all programmes, and they are not just programmes, going through me, they begin to be my own, they become me. Dancing together with Logos I turn to be Soul first, then Monad.

        All this is called the obliteration of karma as temporary, fixed, illusory programmes, that I wear as clothes, as prison, as stony walls. I (of divine origin) - was given a costume, a physical vehicle to take part in the performance (this incarnation) on the stage. Absent-mindedly I called the costume my own self. It's stupid, isn't it?

        That is why it's necessary to correlate your natal chart with the transit chart of every day - just to understand how the real life of Logos effaces my piece of crystal for the time being, how I should behave that the dance of Higher Being is performed correct, exact, adequate. Gradually comparing the astrological charts I come to realise that there are no negative aspects. Whatever the positions of the planets are - Logos dances. Every movement, every step if I mastered it - is to the point and beautiful. When we are deprived of our physical body, we still continue to keep up our personal programme, fixed in astral, and Cosmos obliterates us just the same. But if me live this through all our earthly life we can work up our Soul as a result here, and we can avoid the torments of obliterating our personal programmes posthumously. It is here that the notion of paradise and hell lies. It is this idea that is referred to astrology and to the motion of planets.

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