About the Book

       If you will bear in mind that the Sixth Ray works through and controls the solar plexus (being closely related to the astral plane, the sixth level of awareness) and that the Seventh Ray controls the sacral centre, you will see why there is so much emotion, idealism and so much desire mixed up in the world conflict and why also apart from the storms in the political arena and religious field - sex and its various problems has received a point of interest in human consciousness, where a solution of these problems, fresh understanding of an undercurrent implication and frank dealing with situation is inevitable and immediate.

Djwal Khul by Alice A. Bailey,
«The Destiny of the Nations», 40-41

       The book «Man-woman relations» of the series «Revelation of Mystery» contains documental records of work conducted in one of the groups since 1985 till 1997. The general subject is relations within a couple.


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